Remuneration Board


Meeting Venue:
Conference Room 4B - Tŷ Hywel



Meeting date:
Friday, 21 June 2013


Meeting time:


For further information please contact:

Clerk of the Remuneration Board
Committee Clerk






Private pre-meet (9.30 - 10.00)



1    Chair's introduction (10:00 – 10:15) (Pages 1 - 5)

·         Paper 1-  Minutes of meeting on 22 March 2013

·         Declarations of Interest



2    Annual review of the Determination  (Pages 6 - 17)

·         Paper 2 - Annual Review of the Determination

-        Annex A: Draft amendments to the Determination



3    Standards Committee  (Pages 18 - 92)

·         Paper 3A - Report under SO22

-        Annex A: letter from Committee Chair

-        Annex B: Committee Report

·         Paper 3B – Report on Lobbying and Cross-Party groups

-        Annex A: letter from Committee Chair

-        Annex B: Committee Report



Break (11:15)



4    Pensions  (Pages 93 - 123)

·         Paper 4 - Next steps

-        Annex A: Responses

-        Annex B: PwC Report



Lunch (12:30 - 13:30)



5    Review of AM staffing  (Pages 124 - 166)

·         Paper 5 - Proposals for staffing review

-        Annex A: Proposals for group staffing

-        Annex B: Responses from groups

-        Annex C: Letters to AMs

·         Next steps – letter to AMs and publication of report



6    Forward work programme  (Pages 167 - 171)

·         Paper 6 - Paper to note
